Hourly Fee Services
RTA will unbundle the recruitment process and execute client-selected components. Examples include:
Name sourcing and verification
Candidate qualification
Screen job posting response
Internet Search and Sort
RTA offers these services at an hourly fee, providing clients with maximum flexibility and control. Clients have the ability to define time requirements. Our fees pass scheduling efficiencies to the client. The hourly fees are
40-79 hours
80-159 hours
160-499 hours
500+ hours
Post and Sort Programs
We have increasingly been asked by clients to assist in screening responses to their open position postings.
The clients have a good reputation and brand identity resulting in a good response to many of their job postings, but insufficient internal resources to screen this response.
RTA has been providing this service, and based on our experience, are able to offer this service on a fixed time basis.
RTA will sort and prioritize the response, screen the top individuals to determine fit and interest, and if sufficient response , provide the top 5 respondents to our client for further processing.
This service allows clients to have immediate recruitment expertise coverage without long term commitments-capacity as needed.
The hourly fee option is useful for customized recruitment support, including staffing initiatives to hire a number of similar positions, the recruitment of individuals from a selected target employers, organizational mapping services, or limited involvement of RTA in the staffing process, like sourcing and screening candidates.
Our fee structure offers volume incentives, which provide scheduling efficiencies gained by RTA to our clients.